RadLove provides a variety of services to support you and your family as you enter into a new, exciting phase of your lives. We support families with any and all birth goals or parenting styles and we (myself and my amazing backup doulas with TLC Doula Group ) have extensive experience supporting:
Hospital Birth | Birth Center Birth | Home Birth | Water Birth | Inductions | Unmedicated & Medicated Childbirth | IVF | Surrogacy | Adoption | Multiples | Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) | Cesarean Birth | Sexual Assault Survivors | Preterm Birth | NICU Families | Sibling Support | LGBTQIA Families | Grandparent Support | Birth Plan Consultations | Childbirth Education | Bottle-feeding | Lactation/Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding | Placenta Prep | Belly Binding and so much more.
From the moment you become a client, I am on-call for you—providing unbiased, continual support and reassurance until after your birth. Birth Doula Support is about personalized care focused on meeting your individual needs and values. This includes upholding high standards of professionalization and ethics, providing up-to-date evidence-based education and support, and creating positive working relationships with care providers, nursing staff, and community members.
RadLove provides lactation education to prepare you before and after birth to strengthen your breastfeeding relationship with your baby. Your doula can provide basic instruction for establishing breastfeeding, maintaining milk supply, introducing pumping and bottle feeding, and avoiding common issues.
Virtual doula support means I provide emotional and educational support to families through pregnancy, labor and postpartum using video, text, phone calls and online communication.
Virtual Doula support is perfect for:
Families that cannot have in person doula support due to hospital policies
Families that prefer to have a minimum number of people at their birth
Families needing a lower cost structure for person doula support
Families with limited or no access to in-person doula support in their area
Families that have birthed before and don’t feel they need the in-person support this time
Families planning a cesarean birth who need extra support leading up to and/or during the birth
RadLove Childbirth Education offers a variety of topics to help expecting families learn more about pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and parenting. We offer group classes, private instruction and virtual sessions.
Special Services by Request
Birth photography | Baby-wearing education | Herbalism & Aromatherapy | Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)|Miscarriage/Abortion Support (Before, During or After) | Hysterectomy/ Menopause Support and Education | Referrals to other professionals outside my scope or expertise |
“The moment we choose to love we begin to move towards freedom, to act in ways that liberate ourselves and others. That action is the testimony of love as the practice of freedom.